Thursday, March 27, 2014

Project: Alabama Virtual Library

I am interning at a middle school library this semester and so I developed this presentation for middle school students and faculty.  I included the faculty in my audience for the presentation because if the teachers do not know how to use AVL as a resource, then they will not incorporate it into their projects, activities, and lessons.  For faculty I would present the presentation during a faculty meeting or professional development day.  For students I would present the presentation in the library, in correlation with a class project that involves research. 


  1. You did a super job on your presentation, Anastasia. I found it to be clear, concise and informative. I especially like the fact that you can click on the arrow beside the slide number and there is an index for each slide with a description so that you can quickly go back and references a particular slide. I am going to try using this in my next presentation. The AVL is a very useful resource that I did not know about before this project. I feel like it is a safe way for students to get reserch information without parents having to drive to the library or worry about what their children may be viewing. I think that it is really wonderful that the state as put together this compilation of resources for residents to use. It is unfortunate that more people do not know anything about it. I like the idea that you would do a presentation for faculty members and then another presentation for students. My concern for students is that they might use it in class but as soon as they got to their home computers they would continue to use whatever general search engine they have easy access to. I think it would be great to do a presentation for parents as well as tachers and students. This would be a good presentation to present on an open house night or a PTA meeting. I realize that it would be impossible to get all parents to the school so in addition to an at school viewing the presentation might be shared through and email to all parents. Teachers could send home notices encouraging parents to view the presentation and then to aid their children in using this resource at home. Do you think that this would be more effective? Again, I really enjoyed viewing your work and I think that you did a great job.

    1. PTA would be a good way to let the entire school community learn about AVL. The day after the PTA meeting, since many parents do not come, an AVL brochure could be sent home with the main information and the website address of the google presentation.

  2. Hi my name is Machelle and I enjoyed reading your story I really like it.

    By Machelle

    1. Hi Machelle! I am so excited you visited my blog. Come back and visit my blog again soon.


  3. Good job on your presentation! I like that you specified your audience to middle school students and gave them a good place to begin, as there is so much information it might be overwhelming. I agree that a faculty meeting and PTA would be good places to present, and a brochure sent home would also be a good idea.
