Wednesday, February 26, 2014

C4T-Continuous-My Pick-Math Teacher Mambo-February Summary

C4T Week#1
This post was written by Shireen Dadmehr, titled "“Thank you pinterest”.  On her post she is sharing how she found a math activity on Pinterest and it inspired her to create a calculus worksheet.

I commented on 2/8 that I really liked how she used Pinterest to create the derivative worksheet.  I explained that I am a math teacher and I am following her blog this semester for an EDM 510 class at the University of South Alabama.  I let her know that I would be summarizing some of her posts (and my responses) on my EDM 510 class blog once a month. I left the link to the EDM 510 class blog EDM 510 Class Blog, my personal class blog Anastasia Martin EDM 510 Blog, and my twitter address @anastasia5360.

C4T Week#2
In the Valentines themed worksheet Ms. Dadmehr posted she has triangles labeled with love themes. For instance "triangle HRT" is supposed to read "triangle heart". It is a witty and fun idea, but she also talks about how some of the students did not get the theme and thought that HRT was short for hurt. 

I would have commented on 2/15 but there was not a link for comments. I would have responded that her valentine’s math worksheet was a cute idea that could be used for any triangle math worksheet. Such a simple idea that could be used during special holidays throughout the year. I also would have left the EDM 510 Class Blog link and my personal blog link again. 

C4T Week#3 
In this latest post titled, "Precalculus Triangle Areas," she shares another great worksheet with a Valentines theme. It also includes a fun dodecahedron net that would make a fun class activity. 

I would have commented on 2/20 if there was a link for comments that I have really been enjoying the worksheets and ideas she shares. I am impressed with the amount of activities she shares each week. If I ever teach high school math again in the future, her blog will become part of my permanent PLN. 

C4T Week#4
In this latest post titled,"Best.Husband.Ever.", she shares a picture that her husband sent her while in DC visiting the Smithsonian of a display showing how astronauts use the restroom in space.

I would have commented on 2/26 if there was a link for comments that she is going to have several students excited about visiting the Smithsonian one day after reading the post.

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