Saturday, April 5, 2014

C4T-Continuous-Assigned by Dr. Strange-Dangerously Irrelevent-March Summary

Dangerously Irrelevant Blog

C4T Week#5
This post, titled “Picking Right Answers From a Set of Prescribed Alternatives That Trivialize Complexity and Ambiguity" is an except written by Leon Botstein about changes to the SAT.

I commented on 3/12. My post responded that I am glad to see changes being made to the SAT. College entrance exams like the SAT have limitations. One test can not summarize a students full potential in college.

C4T Week#6
This post, titled “New Resource Page: Internet Filtering and Blocking" directed me to a page where he had numerous links to internet filtering websites. I will definitely come back to this page and some of his other extensive resources.

I commented on 3/19 that the list of internet filtering and blocking resources he has created is great. I thanked him for his list.

C4T Week#7
This post, titled “Closed’ v. ‘Open’ Systems of Knowing" references the section of the book
Teaching As a Subversive Activity by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner that discusses closed and open systems.  McLeod discusses how most schools follow a closed system, but he promotes an open system.

I commented on 3/26 that I am in a educational media technology class at the University of South Alabama where we are learning about open ended questions and project based learning.  I let him know that I was going to post this book title on my blog summary this week to recommend reading it. I also left a link to my EDM510 blog.

C4T Week#8
This post, titled "'World-class' teacher preparation" has an extensive list of things that graduates should know when graduating a teacher preparation programs to be able to effectively teach in the 21st century.  View the list at World Class Teacher Preparation.

I commented on 4/5 that this is a great list and it includes several of the things we are learning in a EDM 510 graduate level technology class I am currently taking at the University of South Alabama.  I also commented that while it would be impossible to include everything on this list in one class, I am still going to post this list to my class blog for my professor and classmates to see. I told him to feel free to visit my blog Anastasia Martin EDM 510 Blog or the class blog EDM 510 Class Blog.

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